Overview and History

Constantly investing in technological advancement and betting on the extraordinary strength of its workforce, Teuto has come through seven decades, overcoming challenges and passing them with great success even through great difficulties.

Laboratório Teuto, a reference within national and international markets, along with being a pioneer concerning the production of generic medicines in Brazil, has consolidated itself as a complete healthcare solution, confirming its tradition within the segments of Pharmacy and Hospital Division, with products in the classes of Generics, OTCs (Over The Counter – Prescription Exempt), Brand Generics, Healthcare Products, Nutrition, and Cosmetics. For more than 70 years in the market, the company has the largest pharmaceutical complex in Latin America – with 110,000 square meters of constructed area and a total area of 1,000,000 square meters.with products in the classes of Generics, OTCs (Over The Counter – Prescription Exempt), Brand Generics, Healthcare Products.

Laboratório Teuto was the first company to produce generic medicines and OTCs (Over the Counter – Prescription Exempt Medicines) in Brazil, with the certificate ISO 9000. The company was founded in 1947 and was initially installed in São Paulo with its first steps toward growth when it moved to its new headquarters in Minas Gerais. In 1986, the company was bought by the entrepreneurs Walterci de Melo and his brother Lucimar de Melo. With the acquisition, Walterci transferred the whole company to Anápolis (GO) and, with a lot of hard work, in 1993, constructed its new headquarters with over triple the area of the previous installations in Minas Gerais.

Along with the excellent performance the company maintains within the national market, Teuto also exports to Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and Portugal.

Concerning environmental awareness, Laboratório Teuto has shown itself to be very responsible and has maintained, in alignment with rigorous standards, its facility that treats all the company’s waste water in order to not impact the natural surroundings. The laboratory also invests in sustainability projects that, in alignment with the philosophy of the company, aim to offer more quality of life to the population. Among various actions with a focus on the environment, health, and well-being (policies of the English acronym EHS – Environment Health Safety) is the Follium Reserve, an area of 700,000m2 which is home to various species of flora and fauna of the Cerrado (a Brazilian ecosystem similar to the Savanah in Africa).

Concerning Laboratório Teuto’s social responsibility, the company actively participates in social actions that take place all over the country while maintaining, within its complex, the Centro de Educação Infantil Walterci de Melo (Walterci de Melo Children’s Educational Center), which is a daycare facility that attends to children of employees as well as children from needy families who live in the surrounding area. Also, by means of the Quality of Life Program, Teuto also offers incentives towards healthier lifestyles with actions such as the traditional Passeio Ciclístico (Bicycle Tour), that provides more health and well-being to the population and, every year, gathers more than one ton of non-perishable food donations that are given away to institutions for the needy in the surrounding area.

Laboratório Teuto works incessantly to maintain its products in perfect condition. The company, which is synonymous with quality and confidence at affordable prices, constantly seeks to provide more quality of life to its clients, employees, and partners, reaffirming that “If its Teuto, its trustworthy”.

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